Be Informed:

Laws That Protect Our Children



In a world filled with complexities, there exists a silent promise woven into the fabric of every society: the commitment to protect the brimming hope of our society–our children.

With all the chaos happening, our children’s fundamental rights are continuously being stolen from them through continuous abuse, exploitation, violence, or slavery. Ensuring their safety should always come as our top priority. There is power in being aware and understanding the legal safeguards to the rights of every child, and being able to keep the promise to protect and help our kids.

Not all homes are safe haven

In a monitor conducted by Women and Children Protection Units, 72% of all child abuse cases on average comprised instances of sexual abuse or assault from 2021 to 2022. In 2021, cases of children experiencing sexual abuse reached 6,000, while it increased to 6,600 from the latter. The world is in shambles. Why do such heinous acts that leave scars on the lives of children even have to exist? Why does this kind of cruelty even have to thrive?

The National Study on Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in the Philippines has revealed a distressing reality, where poverty emerges as the primary driving force pushing children and families into this harrowing situation.

In November 2017, members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Women and Children Protection Center-Visayas Field Unit arrested a woman who sexually exploited minors, offering to perform sex acts including on her seven-year-old daughter and livestream them from her home. Her daughter was rescued during the operation, alongside eight other children.

Behind closed doors, anger flares as we confront the stark reality that not all homes, which are supposed to be the children’s sanctuaries, offer them safety. The infuriating truth emerges that the exploitation of children is sometimes orchestrated by those meant to protect them—their own families.

Navigating child protection

In order to ensure child protection, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), an international human rights treaty, holds immense importance as a landmark dedicated to safeguarding the rights and well-being of children worldwide. CRC plays a crucial role in emphasizing the significance of treating children as individuals with their rights and dignity.

In alignment with these global standards, the Philippines has also established a specific set of laws and regulations to ensure the welfare of Filipino children. These laws include, but are not limited to, the Anti-Child Abuse Law (Republic Act No. 7610) which protects against child abuse, exploitation, and discrimination. It defines offense against children and outlines penalties for those who violate their rights; and the Children’s Emergency Relief and Protection Act (RA No. 10821) establishes a comprehensive program for the protection of children during emergencies and disasters, ensuring their safety, well-being, and access to necessary services.

Advocating for the young

Each of us plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and rights of the youth. We fulfill our role by adhering to the laws and being open to reporting any abuse or danger we may observe.

Save the Children Philippines has been a leading advocate for legislative initiatives to eliminate violence against children in the Philippines, actively supporting recent laws that raise the age of sexual consent and criminalize the practice of child marriage.

On the other hand, Bahay Tuluyan Foundation Inc., a children's rights organization that believes in the dignity of all children is working to prevent and respond to abuse and violence against children. It also aims to ensure all children’s rights are fulfilled and protected.

Amid these positive steps, the harsh truth remains that injustice persists in various forms. The struggle for children's fair treatment and protection from exploitation is far from over, hindering their ability to enjoy their rights fully. This nonstop battle demands our attention and commitment.

Young individuals, often at the forefront of social change, must be empowered with the knowledge that even in their youth, they possess the right to be heard, respected, and fiercely protected.

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