Beyond your embrace: Preparing your child with practical life skills



“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” - Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

Have you ever had a moment wishing you knew something sooner or that your parents would have taught you? We've all wondered why some people are neat, hardworking, or knowledgeable about a certain thing. It's not innate; these traits are developed through upbringing.

Learning is a lifelong process, yet adults absorb information less efficiently than young minds. Ages eight and below are peak learning years, marked by high efficiency. Aging reduces the brain's neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to reorganize to accommodate new knowledge.

That being said, consider teaching the kids these life skills at an early age to aid them in the upcoming stages of their lives, while being beyond your embrace:

Financial skills

What do adults constantly worry about? Money.

Teaching kids to manage their resources will impact the success of their lives, careers, and wealth. Starting with habits and practices, from letting them state where they will use money as a first step in budgeting to making sure that they understand where money is earned, are crucial lessons that kids must learn.

As they learn more about the financial world, it will be useful for them to learn the principles of savings and investments. You may instill these habits by giving your child rewards for their efforts in saving money. You may teach mottos like ‘never go zero’ to help with saving habits. Finally, it is important that they know the difference between needs and wants so their efforts do not go to waste.

How most of us wish to have known them sooner, right?


While it's natural for parents to shield their children from violence, preparing them for the “real world” is crucial.

A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence found that those trained in self-defense were less likely to face assault. Consider enrolling your child in martial arts or self-defense courses based on their capabilities and age!


Eating is vital for survival, but with limited access to personal gardens and farms, and the prevalence of processed food, knowing how to cook decent meals is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.

A study shows that the diets of Filipino college students are high in sugary drinks and processed foods, and are lacking fruits. Teaching your child to cook healthy meals and providing knowledge on various dishes prepares them for dietary challenges they may face in college or whenever they become independent. Plus, cooking your meals is generally cheaper!


First aid is usually taught starting in high school, from course materials to practical applications in programs—it has been a necessary step taken in the education system. Not much is needed to say about the skill, as it is vital and can save one's own or another's life.

However, how many of us remember the exact teachings from high school? Studies suggest that parents are the most effective teachers, engraving their knowledge onto their children.

Most of us who have any form of parental guidance can agree that habits and skills taught by those closest to us stick to us better. Therefore, parents should supplement school instruction to ensure their child retains this lifelong skill.

Tidying things up

Cleaning after oneself has always been an issue among people as no one wants the mess of others. But beyond just having manners, being adept at tidying things up is a habit to carry for a comfortable life.

Being tidy, however, does not only mean cleanliness; it’s also about turning off light switches and other appliances to save electricity or being mindful of the tap to save water.

A study on the correlation between having a messy room and depression finds that the former increases the level of stress and other negative emotions such as anxiety, laziness, and lack of focus. We may always tell our children to clean up, but it is also helpful to tell them why it is important.

Let’s teach our kiddos these vital skills, as they won't naturally acquire them. Share your knowledge and experiences with them, and beyond that, share the things you wish you knew earlier!

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