Healing Your Inner Child:

Unleashing the Magical Memories of Our

Most-Loved Candies


Reparenting yourself is part of healing your inner child. We are reprogramming our minds, healing our hearts, and taking care of our younger selves at the same time. As we grow older, remembering the things that made us happy when we were younger fills us with enthusiasm.

As we rewind and roll back in time, there is a nostalgic feeling that everyone would love to have, either sweet or bitter. Sometimes, candies can serve as the embodiment of tasty careless vibes, a powerful symbol of pure positive energy. It gives you a pleasant feeling that makes you happy and sentimental.

Going back, our younger selves have favorite things to share that’ll contribute to healing and remembering who we are. This isn’t just about the material things as, sometimes, it’s also about doing your favorite activity, watching your favorite shows and, of course, eating your favorite candies. Imagine searching for that child-like wonder again and allowing your imagination to be vague and evocative at the same time.

Let’s take a look back on our favorite candies that promise to bring the nostalgic joy that is adored by the little you!


Remember the good old days when you couldn't help but burst into laughter when one of your friends or playmates choked over Mik-Mik?

This sweetened powdered milk is one of the ultimate favorite snacks of Filipino children. With its three flavors: sweetened milk, ube, and chocolate, eating this was challenging, especially choosing the right flavor that would suit your taste but still, the boost of energy and laughter that it gives was worth the risk!

How about you? How many times did you choke over this sweet treat?


Aside from its colorful appearance, Nerds have become famous due to its sour and sugary taste. The chewy and crunchy texture was loved by many children. This candy has a variety of fruity flavors that were enjoyed by the 6-year-old you!

Nerds surely is one of the candies we'd ask our parents to buy during their grocery run. Apart from its taste, we cannot deny how aesthetically pleasing the packaging of Nerds is.

If you are torn on whether to buy the purple or the pink one, no worries as the Nerds double flavor box exists. You can get two flavors in a single packaging. That’s definitely a steal!

Ice Dodo

This ice cream-shaped candy on a bottle matched with flavored powder will surely bring back your memory as a child. Imagine the sweet pacifier dipped in a sour-flavored powder. It screams childhood!

The taste of strawberry and orange flavor won't leave your mouth even after brushing your teeth. This candy is a must-buy after school. Eating Ice Dodo while walking with your friends and laughing at how each one of you eats is indeed a core memory.

Footlong bubble gum candy

A retro candy in the form of bubble gum sticks. The long-lasting flavor of this chewy gum is always a top favorite to purchase by little kids in a nearby sari-sari store. Aside from its aesthetic and colorful packaging, this candy has multiple flavors to choose from.

Thinking about how hard it is to choose whether to buy the bubble gum or the watermelon flavor feels like the hardest decision-making test of all time!


Oh, the iconic HawHaw candy! The supremacy of this hardened milk summarizes our childhood. Let these thin disks melt in your mouth and you’ll be tasting a creamy mix of sugar and milk.

Think of those days you hoard this candy just to eat it while waiting for your favorite TV shows. The challenge in eating this candy is that it takes a long time to melt, so you probably ate a single candy for five minutes. But who wouldn’t say no to HawHaw, right?

These Filipino classic candies transport us back to our childhood—where everything is just as simple as buying candies at the nearby store. The nostalgic taste of sweet, sour, and sometimes bitter, builds a memory that we will forever carry for the rest of our lives.

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