Once upon a new year: Tales of the creature of Gaia



A new year dawns upon a land of exquisite beauty, where birds serenade with tranquil songs, rivers flow with crystal clear waters, and wildlife thrives in the lush mountains. However, amidst the serenity, a cursed creature lurks. With the power to shapeshift, it can take on many forms—sometimes with multiple eyes, a long torso, and an enormous head with ears that can hear even the softest whispers. Other times, it is nothing more than a slimy blob, slithering through cracks and seeking shelter from its grotesque appearance.

Despite this, the creature possesses intelligence and harbors a gentle spirit. How did such a being come to be? Why did it choose to remain in such a repulsive form when it is able to change at will? It’s the punishment of the curse—the creature is not able to control its ability. When it looks into sparkling waters, it sees only what it believes itself to be, and so it is what it becomes.

Long ago, this magnificent creature possessed a heart full of love that overflowed to all it encountered. Its presence breathed life into the world, causing flowers to bloom and fields to flourish vibrantly. It learned the beauty and power of love, understanding that it’s the purest reason for living. Yet, as time passed and the creature faced cruelty, avoidance, and betrayal, it also learned that even love has its cost—grief.

The creature, shunned by its appearance, believed that a monster was all that it could be. It believed that no matter how hard it tried, the world could never accept it. Eventually, worn down from its constant striving, the creature gave into its fears and retreated into seclusion. It had a life, but it was not truly living.

Then, on a bitter, moonless night, the creature bathed in the murky depths of the forest swamp. Its sleek, scaly body shimmered with a thin layer of muck as it swam leisurely through the waters. Suddenly, it dove down, its senses tingling with curiosity. In the dim light of the swamp, it could make out human remains scattered along the bottom—some barely decomposed, others reduced to mere bones.

A chill ran through the creature's veins as it realized the fragility of human life. Bursting from panic, it scrambled out of the water, gasping for air. As it stood on shore and shook off the slime and grime from its body, it couldn't help but ponder how many had met their end in this same desolate place. How many had succumbed to fear and despair only to meet a horrifying fate?

The creature ran with all its might, its body tumbling and twisting in fear as it raced through the dense forest. Tears streamed down its face, a mixture of terror and relief coursing through its veins. It marveled at the surge of emotions that it had not felt in a long time, despite being scared for its life. But there was also a glimpse of hope, knowing that it still had time left in the world to fulfill a new purpose.

As it changed forms while running across open fields, the creature felt blessed to be still alive. It began to see its curse as a blessing, learning to cherish what it had in spite of its struggles. Bravery coursed through its veins, giving it the strength to keep pushing forward.

Exhausted from its endless running, the creature tumbled into a puddle beside the green fields and emerged as a being it had long forgotten. Colorful flowers bloomed around it and a warm glow radiated from its newfound form. Under the moonlight, the creature gazed at its reflection.

"Oh, I was human after all."

Finally embracing its truest self—capable of making mistakes, showing affection, understanding others, and making judgments. It couldn't help but marvel at how far it had come from what it once was. And as a new year dawned upon them, filled with hope and possibility, the creature realized that all the sacrifices it had made were worth it.

The creature rose on its two legs and began walking, anticipating all the wonders that awaited it. It was finally free to live a life worth living.

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