The Light is a Dark Place


Illustration by Angelica Nazario

Illustration by Angelica Nazario

The dark is not a scary place;

it is where comfort is found in strays

by the people who found the light too scarring

and the people who’ve had enough of squinting.

The dark is not an ugly place;

it is a haven for those who concede.

It is where flaws are a dance

and where a dance does not kill.

The light is a treacherous place;

for the only choice is to live or to leave.

While those who can’t handle the jarring light

look away as it burns those who dare to fight.

The light is a battleground,

for the brave who’s too weak for a clash,

the witness who’s too afraid to intrude,

and the thinking loner across the arena.

So shine a light on the secrets of the dark and the obscene,

As it will take some time to recognize

that the love you give gives back in time.

And the love you give will carry on ‘til the end of time.

© 2023 Twinkle PUP iCommunicate Volume 26. All rights reserved.