Work in Progress:

Tiny Hands on Duty



What comes to mind when we think about children?

To think of children means to see them run and jump around carefree to the world's existing notions, to hear them shout their lungs out for everyone to know their exhilaration to play with their friends and family, and to witness the never-ending light in their eyes as they learn new things.

But to see little hands getting dirty, little feet running around like busy bees, and little bodies toiling for hours shouldn't be normal.

In the Philippine Statistics Authority's (PSA) 2021 survey, the number of children working aged five to 17 years old rose to 1.37 million compared to 2020's record of 872,333 of the same age range. The numbers, despite being different, will make us wonder, where did we go wrong? Why do some children have to work equally as hard as adults?

COVID-19 aftereffects lock away progress

The devastating effects brought by the pandemic are still in place and have proven to be a serious setback to the already slow progress of eliminating child labor in the Philippines. In a 2021 Rappler report, COVID-19 gave freedom to children workers in Camarines Norte no other choice than to return to their previous work of mining and panning gold, which poses a hazard to their health.

Left feeling helpless, the children tried to take some weight off of their parents’ back after seeing them struggling to provide for their household at the peak of the dire situation. At such a young age and body, the thought of earning money for their family and their education already runs in their innocent minds.

Taking blows for the price of living

To share the same work environment and conditions with adults meant experiencing the same harsh reality of working.

Challenges and difficulties in the form of workmates and employees often make work harder than it already is. The tongue can be as sharp as a knife, and for Aiza, to rely on the same people for guidance is impossible when they hold the sharpest weapon that pierces through her young mind.

At 17, she had her hands full. Her cousin introduced her to the world of dancing while doing side work in a hair and nail salon where she would do foot massages. During that time she attended school, the exhaustion of working got Aiza, making her miss some days in school.

Although the work environment deprived her of an experience that took more happiness and energy than she could have imagined, Aiza still prefers to work, seeing the only benefit that actually matters—earning profit. Growing up in a household lacking in many areas, she was glad to be able to give some of her earnings to her parents and keep some for herself as a treat.

From others ' perspectives, seeing children step up for their families in these situations is a noble act. However, no parents actually enjoy seeing their child carry on the burden of adult responsibilities.

For Julie Ann Domaoal, a 36-year-old mother, children must be doing fun things as they should—to play, learn new things, and dream of a colorful future. She sees the importance of childhood to a child's development as an individual and a member of society in the near future.

Warriors for children

Echoes of children’s voices fill the world, and non-government organizations (NGOs) hear them loud and clear.

Save the Children Philippines is dedicated to protecting all children, especially the most vulnerable. They consistently fight for children's rights and protection.

ChildHope Philippines Foundation, Inc. also aims to empower young individuals and offer them opportunities through their development programs. By promoting a healthy well-being, they strive to help the youth expand their endeavors.

The Quezon City government also implemented a task force to address almost 10,000 cases of child labor in the area and protect those who became victims of this problem.

Through our collective efforts to improve social protection measures for children, we hold the power to eliminate child labor, not just within our country but across the entire world. Together, hand-in-hand, we can create a future where every child is free from the burden of labor and can embrace the joys of childhood.

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